Grassmann.jl Library

AbstractTensors.Manifold β€” Type
Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}

Basis parametrization locally homeomorphic to ℝ^n product topology.

AbstractTensors.TV β€” Type
TV[ elements ]
TV{T}[ elements ]

Create Values literals using array construction syntax. The element type is inferred by promoting elements to a common type or set to T when T is provided explicitly.


  • TV[1.0, 2.0] creates a length-2 Values of Float64 elements.
  • TV{Float32}[1, 2] creates a length-2 Values of Float32 elements.

A couple of helpful type aliases are also provided:

  • TV_F64[1, 2] creates a lenght-2 Values of Float64 elements
  • TV_F32[1, 2] creates a lenght-2 Values of Float32 elements
AbstractTensors.TensorGraded β€” Type
TensorGraded{V,G} <: Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra

Graded elements of a TensorAlgebra in a Manifold topology.

AbstractTensors._InitialValue β€” Type

A singleton type for representing "universal" initial value (identity element).

The idea is that, given op for mapfoldl, virtually, we define an "extended" version of it by

opβ€²(::_InitialValue, x) = x
opβ€²(acc, x) = op(acc, x)

This is just a conceptually useful model to have in mind and we don't actually define opβ€² here (yet?). But see Base.BottomRF for how it might work in action.

(It is related to that you can always turn a semigroup without an identity into a monoid by "adjoining" an element that acts as the identity.)

AbstractTensors.bivector β€” Function

Return the bivector (rank 2) part of any TensorAlgebra element.

AbstractTensors.mdims β€” Method

Dimensionality of the pseudoscalar V of that TensorAlgebra.

AbstractTensors.scalar β€” Function

Return the scalar (rank 0) part of any TensorAlgebra element.

AbstractTensors.trivector β€” Function

Return the trivector (rank 3) part of any TensorAlgebra element.

AbstractTensors.values β€” Method

Returns the internal Values representation of a TensorAlgebra element.

AbstractTensors.valuetype β€” Method

Returns type of a TensorAlgebra element value's internal representation.

AbstractTensors.vector β€” Function

Return the vector (rank 1) part of any TensorAlgebra element.

AbstractTensors.volume β€” Method

Return the pseudoscalar (full rank) part of any TensorAlgebra element.

LinearAlgebra.rank β€” Method

Dimensionality n of the Manifold subspace representation.

DirectSum.Basis β€” Type
DirectSum.Basis{V} <: SubAlgebra{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}

Grassmann basis container with cache of SubManifold elements and their Symbol names.

DirectSum.ExtendedBasis β€” Type
DirectSum.ExtendedBasis{V} <: SubAlgebra{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}

Grassmann basis container without a dedicated SubManifold cache (only lazy caching).

DirectSum.Simplex β€” Type
Simplex{V,G,B,𝕂} <: TensorTerm{V,G} <: TensorGraded{V,G}

Simplex type with pseudoscalar V::Manifold, grade/rank G::Int, B::SubManifold{V,G}, field 𝕂::Type.

DirectSum.SparseBasis β€” Type
DirectSum.SparseBasis{V} <: SubAlgebra{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}

Grassmann basis with sparse cache of SubManifold{G,V} elements and their Symbol names.

DirectSum.SubManifold β€” Type
SubManifold{V,G,B} <: TensorGraded{V,G} <: Manifold{G}

Basis type with pseudoscalar V::Manifold, grade/rank G::Int, bits B::UInt64.

DirectSum.TensorBundle β€” Type
TensorBundle{n,β„™,g,Ξ½,ΞΌ} <: Manifold{n}

Let n be the rank of a Manifold{n}. The type TensorBundle{n,β„™,g,Ξ½,ΞΌ} uses byte-encoded data available at pre-compilation, where β„™ specifies the basis for up and down projection, g is a bilinear form that specifies the metric of the space, and ΞΌ is an integer specifying the order of the tangent bundle (i.e. multiplicity limit of Leibniz-Taylor monomials). Lastly, Ξ½ is the number of tangent variables.

DirectSum.alloc β€” Function

Generates Basis declaration having Manifold specified by V. The first argument provides pseudoscalar specifications, the second argument is the variable name for the Manifold, and the third and fourth argument are variable prefixes of the SubManifold vector names (and covector basis names).

DirectSum.getbasis β€” Method

Fetch a specific SubManifold{G,V} element from an optimal SubAlgebra{V} selection.

DirectSum.@basis β€” Macro

Generates SubManifold elements having Manifold specified by V. As a result of this macro, all of the SubManifold{V,G} elements generated by that TensorBundle become available in the local workspace with the specified naming. The first argument provides pseudoscalar specifications, the second argument is the variable name for the Manifold, and the third and fourth argument are variable prefixes of the SubManifold vector names (and covector basis names). Default for @basis M is @basis M V v w βˆ‚ Ο΅.

DirectSum.@dualbasis β€” Macro

Generates SubManifold elements having Manifold specified by V'. As a result of this macro, all of the SubManifold{V',G} elements generated by that TensorBundle become available in the local workspace with the specified naming. The first argument provides pseudoscalar specifications, the second argument is the variable name for the dual Manifold, and the third and fourth argument are variable prefixes of the SubManifold covector names (and tensor field basis names). Default for @dualbasis M is @dualbasis M VV w Ο΅.

DirectSum.@mixedbasis β€” Macro

Generates SubManifold elements having Manifold specified by VβŠ•V'. As a result of this macro, all of the SubManifold{VβŠ•V',G} elements generated by that TensorBundle become available in the local workspace with the specified naming. The first argument provides pseudoscalar specifications, the second argument is the variable name for the Manifold, and the third and fourth argument are variable prefixes of the SubManifold vector names (and covector basis names). Default for @mixedbasis M is @mixedbasis M V v w βˆ‚ Ο΅.

Grassmann.Chain β€” Method
Chain{V,G,𝕂} <: TensorGraded{V,G}

Chain type with pseudoscalar V::Manifold, grade/rank G::Int, scalar field 𝕂::Type.

Grassmann.ChainBundle β€” Type
ChainBundle{V,G,P} <: Manifold{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}

Subsets of a bundle cross-section over a Manifold topology.

Grassmann.MultiVector β€” Method
MultiVector{V,𝕂} <: TensorMixed{V} <: TensorAlgebra{V}

Chain type with pseudoscalar V::Manifold and scalar field 𝕂::Type.

AbstractLattices.:∧ β€” Method

Exterior product as defined by the anti-symmetric quotient Ξ›β‰‘βŠ—/~

AbstractLattices.:∨ β€” Method

Regressive product as defined by the DeMorgan's law: ∨(Ο‰...) = ⋆⁻¹(∧(⋆.(Ο‰)...))

AbstractTensors.:βˆ— β€” Function

Reversed geometric product: Ο‰βˆ—Ξ· = (~Ο‰)*Ξ·

AbstractTensors.:⊘ β€” Function

General sandwich product: Ο‰βŠ˜Ξ· = involute(Ξ·)\Ο‰βŠ–Ξ·

For normalized even grade Ξ· it is Ο‰βŠ˜Ξ· = (~Ξ·)βŠ–Ο‰βŠ–Ξ·

AbstractTensors.:βŠ™ β€” Method

Symmetrization projection: βŠ™(Ο‰...) = βˆ‘(∏(Οƒ.(Ο‰)...))/factorial(length(Ο‰))

AbstractTensors.:⊠ β€” Method

Anti-symmetrization projection: ⊠(Ο‰...) = βˆ‘(∏(πσ.(Ο‰)...))/factorial(length(Ο‰))

AbstractTensors.contraction β€” Method

Interior (right) contraction product: Ο‰β‹…Ξ· = Ο‰βˆ¨β‹†Ξ·

Base.:& β€” Function

Regressive product as defined by the DeMorgan's law: ∨(Ο‰...) = ⋆⁻¹(∧(⋆.(Ο‰)...))

Base.:* β€” Method

Geometric algebraic product: Ο‰βŠ–Ξ· = (-1)α΅–det(Ο‰βˆ©Ξ·)βŠ—(Ξ›(Ο‰βŠ–Ξ·)βˆͺL(Ο‰βŠ•Ξ·))

Base.:<< β€” Function

Symmetrization projection: βŠ™(Ο‰...) = βˆ‘(∏(Οƒ.(Ο‰)...))/factorial(length(Ο‰))

Base.:>> β€” Function

Anti-symmetrization projection: ⊠(Ο‰...) = βˆ‘(∏(πσ.(Ο‰)...))/factorial(length(Ο‰))

Base.:>>> β€” Function

Sandwich product: Ο‰>>>Ξ· = Ο‰βŠ–Ξ·βŠ–(~Ο‰)

LinearAlgebra.cross β€” Function

Cross product: ω×η = ⋆(Ο‰βˆ§Ξ·)

source β€” Function

Interior (right) contraction product: Ο‰β‹…Ξ· = Ο‰βˆ¨β‹†Ξ·

AbstractTensors.clifford β€” Function

Clifford conjugate of an element: clifford(Ο‰) = involute(conj(Ο‰))

AbstractTensors.involute β€” Function

Involute of an element: ~Ο‰ = (-1)^grade(Ο‰)*Ο‰

Base.:~ β€” Method

Reverse of an element: ~Ο‰ = (-1)^(grade(Ο‰)(grade(Ο‰)-1)/2)Ο‰

Base.conj β€” Function

Reverse of an element: ~Ο‰ = (-1)^(grade(Ο‰)(grade(Ο‰)-1)/2)Ο‰

Base.imag β€” Method

The imag part (Ο‰-(~Ο‰))/2 is defined by abs2(imag(Ο‰)) == -(imag(Ο‰)^2).

Base.real β€” Method


The real part (Ο‰+(~Ο‰))/2 is defined by abs2(real(Ο‰)) == real(Ο‰)^2.

Leibniz.complementright β€” Function

Non-metric variant of Grassmann-Poincare-Hodge complement.

Leibniz.complementrighthodge β€” Function

Grassmann-Poincare-Hodge complement: ⋆ω = Ο‰βˆ—I

Leibniz.getbasis β€” Method

Fetch a specific SubManifold{G,V} element from an optimal SubAlgebra{V} selection.

Leibniz.Ο‡ β€” Method

Compute the Euler characteristic Ο‡ = βˆ‘β‚š(-1)α΅–bβ‚š.